Adding/Editing Subscribers or Responsible Parties

Responsible Party/Subscriber is a specialized contact that is used as

  1. The Responsible Party field on the Demographics tab.
  2. The Subscriber field on the Plan Information screen in patient insurance.

To define a subscriber/responsible party,

  1. Select Data Maintenance  > Subscriber/Responsible Party from the Main menu. The Edit Subscriber/Responsible Party screen will appear.
  2. Enter subscriber demographics according to the following definitions.
  3. Subscriber ID: is not a required field. Enter whatever type of alphanumeric (plus symbols) ID your organization requires, up to 20 characters.

    Name Fields: Enter the subscriber's First Name, Last Name, and Middle Name, up to 40 characters each. Otherwise, remove the check mark in the Name Fields box to enter an actual.

    Description Alternatively, if you require a Description instead, click the checkbox next to Name Fields to de-select the option. The screen will refresh to display the Description field. Enter up to 125 alphanumeric characters. Descriptions can be either an organization or a person, as required.

    SSN: Enter up to an 11-digit Social Security Number (including dashes).

    Birth Date: Enter the responsible party's date of birth in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. Or click the Select button and choose a date visually.

    Gender Make the appropriate gender selection from the drop-down provided.

    Marital Status: Select the appropriate marital status from the drop-down menu provided. Marital status must be entered manually, even if the responsible party is a patient in the system. That is, marital status is not copied from another table in the system.

  4. Enter the subscriber address Information.
  5. Address 1 and Address 2: Enter the mailing/physical address, which can be up to 30 characters per line.

    Zip Code: Enter standard five- or nine-digit postal number.

    City: Enter the associated city, up to 20 characters.

    State: Enter a standard 2-letter state abbreviation.

    E-mail: Enter the electronic mail address, up to 50 characters.

  6. Enter the subscriber phone numbers.
  7. Home Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Fax Enter a standard 10-digit number and a 5-digit extension where appropriate.

  8. Click Save to complete the subscriber definition. Click New at any point in the data entry process to clear the screen of unsaved data and prepare it for a new record.

Key Considerations